Camborough® 29
The Camborough® is an outstanding mother. Bred to maximize the kilograms of weaned pigs per year with excellent feed efficiency. The Camborough® range of parent gilts are recognised amongst the world’s most prolific and genetically improved females. The Camborough® range is bred using a specialised BLUP program incorporating PICTarq™ and Genomic technology to continually improve litter size, litter weaning weight, lean growth rate, feed efficiency, feet and leg soundness and teat number.
The Camborough® 29 is a mixed hybrid Parent gilt designed to produce a high number of full value market pigs sold per lifetime.
Economic Drivers:
- Produces vigorous piglets and quality weaned pigs
- Low-costs per weaned piglet
- Sow robustness and longevity
- Excellent mammary and milking capacity
For questions about this product or other products that are regionally available, please contact your local PIC representative.